The 2020 Rome Congress on suicide research and prevention
Leo Sher, M.D.
A large, international congress on suicide research and prevention named “The 18th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior” (18th ESSSB) will be held in Rome, Italy, on September 1-4, 2020. Experts in the field of suicidology from all over the world will present research and clinical works.
Prof. Marco Sarchiapone (Italy), Prof. Patrizia Zeppegno (Italy), and Prof. Maurizio Pompili (Italy) are the Presidents of the 18th ESSSB. Prof. Vladimir Carli (Sweden) is the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the 18th ESSSB.
The Scientific Committee of the 18th ESSSB consists of leading world scholars in the field of suicidology. Members of the Scientific Committee: Expert Scientific Advisors: Alan Apter (Israel), Ella Arensman (Ireland), Judit Balázs (Hungary), Hilario Blasco-Fontecilla (Spain), Julio Bobes (Spain), Philippe Courtet (France), Diego De Leo (Italy), Yogesh Dwivedi (USA), Annette Erlangsen (Denmark), Keith Hawton (UK), Clara Hellner (Sweden), Mark Goldblatt (USA), David Gunnell (UK), Nestor Kapusta (Austria), Murad Khan (Pakistan), Dorian Lamis (USA), John Mann (USA), Lars Mehlum (Norway), Brian Mishara (Canada), Thomas Niederkrotenthaler (Austria), Rory O’Connor (UK), Emilio Ovuga (Uganda), Soumitra Pathare (India), Jane Pirkis (Australia), Mihail Christian Pirlog (Romania), Boris Polozhiy (Russia), Maurizio Pompili (Italy), Teodor Postolache (USA), Zoltán Rihmer (Hungary), Pilar Saiz (Spain), Marco Sarchiapone (Italy), Leo Sher (USA), Marcus Sokolovski (Sweden), Madhukar Trivedi (USA), Gustavo Turecki (Canada), Kees van Heeringen (Belgium), Lakshmi Vijayakumar (India), Danuta Wasserman (Sweden), Patrizia Zeppegno (Italy). Scientific Management Team: Jorge Lopez Castroman (France), Alberto Forte (Italy), Carla Gramaglia (Italy), Gergö Hadlaczky (Sweden), Jennifer Hughes (USA), Miriam Iosue (Sweden), Saska Roskar (Slovenia), Gianluca Serafini (Italy), Merike Sisask (Estonia).
The congress will take place in the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, commonly known as the Angelicum. The Angelicum campus is located in the historic center of Rome on the Quirinal hill in the section of the eternal city known as Monti. It is situated near the beginning of via Nazionale just above the ruins of Trajan’s Market, the via dei Fori Imperiali, and Piazza Venezia. The Angelicum is located not far from the famous places of interest in Rome such as the Colosseum, Imperial Fora, Trevi Fountain, and Campidoglio.