Cell phones and driving: comment
Steven Lippmann, M.D.
Obviously, utilization of a car phone while at the wheel is dangerous. Some people might not realize the risks. Personal responsibility at curbing such use has generally not worked well. However, the degree of compromise at reaction times and in attention warrants legislative action by all states to outlaw such practice.
There will always be some who ignore the risks. Perhaps, criminal penalties should be attached to make the prohibition against cell phone use while driving a vehicle very clear. This is especially so for those who drive professionally, as with school bus or other public transport operators.
So long as we do not prohibit such use, it will continue until the punishment penalties are evident and understanding the danger is finally appreciated by the population at large. Only then, will there be a growing consensus not to drive while on the telephone.
This is a commentary on the article, “Cell phones and driving” by Leo Sher, M.D. published on our website, www.internetandpsychiatry.com