Traumatic brain injury and suicide
Roy R. Reeves, James C. Brister
VA Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi, USA; The University of Mississippi School of Medicine, Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Terror and Suicide. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2009, 167 pages.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious health problem that impacts many aspects of neurological, cognitive, and behavioral and psychological domains and is often associated with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Mood and anxiety disorders, including major depression, frequently occur among persons who have a TBI. Of particular concern is a body of evidence that suggests that people with TBI may be at increased risk for suicide, although the relationship between TBI and suicide is not entirely clear. This chapter will provide an overview of current literature on TBI and the risk of suicidality and discuss treatment approaches to the TBI patient who may be at risk for suicide.