Psychophysiological aspects of alcohol epileptic syndrome
Tatiana Elistratova and Andrey Soloviev
Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Suicidal Behavior in Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Dependence. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2010, 540 pages.
Alcohol epileptic syndrome is one of the most frequent neurologic manifestations of alcohol dependence occurring during withdrawal. The goal of the study was to investigate psychophysiological peculiarities of patients with alcohol epileptic syndrome in order to develop special diagnostic algorithms for its detection and selection of correct treatment and management approaches. The main methods of the study were screening, a clinical method, electroencephalopraphy, computerized tomography, a laboratory method. As part of the study, frequency of occurrence of separate clinical, psychophysiological and laboratory indexes was compared in patients with idiopathic, symptomatic epilepsy, alcohol epileptic syndrome.