Acculturation and Mental Disorders among Immigrants
Michael G. Madianos
University of Athens. Department of Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences. School of Health Sciences. Athens, Greece
Immigration and Mental Health: Stress, Psychiatric Disorders and Suicidal Behavior Among Immigrants and Refugees. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2010, 350 pages.
Acculturation an anthropological term introduced by Redfield, Linton and Herskovitch “comprehends those phenomena which result when groups of individuals having different cultures come into continuous, first hand, contact with subsequent changes in the original culture of either or both groups”. Acculturation has been considered to be a cause of stress related psychopathological symptoms, as a result of immigrants continuous but unsuccessful efforts for social integration, acceptance and marginalization, in their host country. In this chapter the literature for the past thirty years related to research on acculturation and the prevalence of mental disorders will be reviewed in the light of the theoretical framework on immigration and psychopathology.