Preventing suicide through the Internet
Marco Sarchiapone(1), Sanja Temnik(2), Vladimir Carli(1)
(1)University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy; (2) University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia
Internet and Suicide. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2009, 452 pages.
In this chapter, we direct our focus to the possibilities for suicide prevention, as well as the dangers for suicide promotion, through the Internet. Internet is a virtual representation of our real world, which adds new modalities to the latter. One could therefore argue, that the various pro-suicide content on the World Wide Web might foster the individual`s advancement through the stages of the suicidal process, putting the suicidal peson at even greater risk of behavioral expressions of suicidality. On the other hand, Internet provides new possibilities for the release of emotional distress, the broadening of the individual`s social network and getting information on different ways to get help in case of a mental disorder or the absence of psychological well-being. As such, it might encourage the person in need to seek help or even professonal treatment, before committing suicide. Different strategies for maximizing effective suicide prevention while minimizing suicide promotion on the Internet are discussed.