Examinations of spirituality and the dimensions of spirituality among 932 students in eight different secondary schools in Hungary
Sándor Kalmár, M.D., Ph.D.
This study based on a small part of an International Survey. In 2012-2013 years Professor Aurel Nirestean, Emese Lukács (Tirgu Mures, Romania) and our colleagues made an examination in eight secondary schools and seven Universities in three countries. This article contains only the examination of spirituality among secondary school students (Kalmár, 2012, 2013b).
We live in an age suffering from spiritual illiteracy (both within and outside psychiatry) which has made some difficulties. In contrast to the scientific frame of psychiatry, most people in the world are religious and hold beliefs about God as important. Many people report specific religious experience of a divine or transcendental nature without psychiatric disorders. Within psychiatry the notion of linking spirituality with psychiatry developed largely in the 21th century. Spirituality, including its psychological aspects, is relevant for all psychiatrists. Spirituality is an important component of culture. Man’s faith is as old as humankind itself. Priests and physicians were often the same individuals in different ancient civilizations. For a considerable time psychiatrists have largely neglected this important area of human experience. Over the last few years, however, a substantial number of studies have been increasingly seen in the psychological and psychiatric literature relating to religion and mental health. Despite, nowadays there is a huge gap between psychiatry and spirituality/religion in Hungary.
Spirituality significantly correlated with well-being, hope and optimism, purpose and meaning in life, higher self esteem, bereavment adaptation, greater social support, less loneliness, lower rates of depression and faster recovery from depression, lower rates of suicide and fewer positive attitudes towards suicide, less anxiety, less psychosis and fewer psychotic tendencies, lower rates of alcohol and smoking use, lower rates of psychoactive substance use and abuse, less delinquency and criminal activity, greater marital stability (Cook, Powel, Sims, 2009).
Spirituality (and religion) can assist not only in the development of sound personality but also the mental prevention by helping the adolescents to a.) develop a sound personality b.) promote a positive worldview c.) enhance the social support d.) provide and encourage forgiveness e.) cope with stress, conflict, diseases f.) solve the crisis situation g.) struggle with difficulties h.) make correct decisions i.) form right/correct values j.) encourage thankfulness k.) provide hope m.) find their way to the truth n.) offer support and guidance during stressful times and situations.
The spiritual experiences could be experienced through altered states of consciousness actually, whose base of the changes of the nervous system and our belief decides if we accept its content or not. Several materials were used in the ancient initiative ceremony, which modified the state of consciousness through nervous system effects. We do not know the perfect neurological bases of spirituality but we know that they mean altered states of consciousness which based on the function of central nervous system. Psychiatry today evaluates these states of consciousness as the part of psychopathology, not paying enough attention to the neurological changes behind them (Kalmár, 2014b).
932 students (421 boys, 511 girls) in eight different secondary schools took part in this study with testing the self-report questionnaire, the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale. This scale is used more than twenty countries all over the world (Underwood, 2002, 2012). The main goal of the present study was to investigate the spirituality and the following 16 items and ten dimensions of spirituality among adolescents in eight different secondary schools, Hungary. Participant Secondary Schools: 1. Piarist Grammar School, 2. KJ-Public Grammar School in a county town, 3. HUM-School of Nursing, 4. Technical School, 5. BJG-Public Grammar School in a county town, 6. Calvinist Lycée, 7. GD-Public Grammar School in a small town, 8. Juvenile Delinquent Girl’s School.
a) Measure of spirituality in the different secondary schools
The rates of spirituality of boys ranged between 1.95 and 3.42. The average of spirituality was 2.69. The rates of girls ranged between 2.28 and 3.79. The average rate of spirituality was 2.74; among the different secondary schools. The highest rate was 3.42 among the boys in the Piarist School; 3,79 among the girls in the Calvinist Lycée. The lowest rate was 1.95 among the boys in the Technical Secondary School, and 2.28 among the girls in the Juvenile Delinquent Girl’s school and the GD-Secondary School.
b) The presence (6-5-4 points) and lack (1 point) of spirituality show huge difference among the schools
The highest rate of presence was 52.0 among the boys in the Piarist Secondary School, and 61.9 among the girls in the Calvinist Lycée. The highest rate of lack was 52.88 among the boys in the Technical Secondary School, and 44.13 among the girls in the Juvenile Delinquent Girl’s school.
c) The presence and lack of the different items according to the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (Underwood, 2002, 2012)
1. “I feel God’s presence.”
The presence and the lack of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 15,4% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 48,8% never or almost never. The result was the best in the Calvinist Lycée. 59,5% of the students experienced this item from many times a day to most days, and 4,95% never or almost never.
2. “I feel a connection to all of life.”
The presence and the lack of this item was the worst in the Juvenile delinquent girl’s school. 14,3% of the girls experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 35,7% never or almost never. The result was the best in the Piarist Secondary school. 55,3% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 5,6% never or almost never.
3. “During worship, or at other times when connecting with God, I feel joy which lifts me out of my daily concerns”
The presence and the lack of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 6,5% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 60,2% never or almost never. The result was the best in the Piarist Secondary school. 55,3% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 7,45% never or almost never.
4. “I feel strength in my religion or spirituality.”
The presence and the lack of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 6,5% of the students experienced this item from many times a day to most days, and 63,4% never or almost never. The result was the best in the Piarist Secondary school. 57,8% of the students experienced this item from many times a day to most days, and in the Calvinist Lycée 6,6% never or almost never.
5. “I feel comfort in my religion or spirituality.”
The presence and the lack of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 8,1% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 61,8% experienced this never or almost never. The result was the best in the Calvinist Lycée. 52,1% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 5,8% never or almost never.
6. “I feel deep inner peace or harmony.”
The presence of this item was the worst in the Juvenile delinquent girl’s school. 9,5% of the girls experienced this from many times a day to most days, and the lack of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 43,1% experienced this never or almost never. The result was the best in the Calvinist Lycée. 52,1% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days. In the Piarist school 4,3% of the students never experienced it.
7. “I ask for God’s help in the midst of daily activities.”
The presence and lack of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 15,4% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 51,2% experienced this never or almost never. The result was the best in the Piarist school. 62,1% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days and 6,8% of the students never.
8. “I feel guided by God in the midst of daily activities.”
The presence of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 8,1% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and the lack of this item was the worst in the Bányai Júlia secondary school. 59,2% of the students never or almost never experienced this item. The result was the best in the Calvinist Lycée and the Piarist school. 52,1% of the Calvinist students experienced this from many times a day to most days and 10,6% of the Piarist students never.
9. “I feel God’s love for me, directly.”
The presence of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 12,2% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and the lack of this item was the worst in the Bányai Júlia secondary school. 55,9% of the students never or almost never experienced this item. The result was the best in the Calvinist Lycée. 57,8% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days and 8,3% never.
10. “I feel God’s love for me, through others.”
The presence of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 9,75% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and the lack of this item was the worst in the Juvenile Delinquent Girl’s school. 61,9% of the students never or almost never experienced this item. The result was the best in the Calvinist Lycée. 53,7% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days and 7,4% never.
11. “I am spiritually touched by the beauty of creation.”
The presence and the lack of this item was the worst in the Juvenile delinquent girl’s school. 7,1% of the girls experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 57,1% never or almost never. The result was the best in the Piarist Secondary school. 39,75% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 11,8% never or almost never.
12. “I feel thankful for my blessings.”
The presence of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 17,9% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and the lack of this item was the worst in the Juvenile Delinquent Girl’s school. 47,6% of the students never or almost never experienced this item. The result was the best in the Calvinist Lycée. 75,6% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days and 1,1% never.
13. “I feel a selfless caring for others.”
The presence and the lack of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 33,3% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 30,9% never or almost never. The result was the best in the KJG school. 78,7% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and in the Piarist school 0,6% never or almost never.
14. “I accept others even when they do things I think are wrong.”
The presence and the lack of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 33,3% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 30,9% never or almost never. The result was the best in the Piarist and KJG schools. 65,2% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and 2,13% never or almost never.
15. “I desire to be closer to God or in union with the divine.”
The presence of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 9,76% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days, and the lack of this item was the worst in the Bányai Júlia secondary school. 61,84% of the students never or almost never experienced this item. The result was the best in the Calvinist Lycée. 54,56% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days and 10,56% of the Piarist students never.
16. “In general, how close do you feel to God?”
The presence of this item was the worst in the Human school of nursing. 9,71% of the girls experienced this from many times a day to most days, and the lack of this item was the worst in the Technical school. 58,54% experienced this never or almost never. The result was the best in the Calvinist Lycée. 42,15% of the students experienced this from many times a day to most days. In the Piarist school 12,42% of the students never experienced it.
d. The presence and lack of different spiritual dimensions according to the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (Underwood, 2002, 2012)
I. Dimension: Connection with the divine or transcendent
1. I feel God’s presence.
2. I feel a connection to all of life.
1-2 | 1-PG | 2-KJG | 3-HUM | 4-TEC | 5-BJG | 6-CALV | 7-GD | 8-GIRL |
present | 49.28 | 35.63 | 22.82 | 17.07 | 21.38 | 54.0 | 20.59 | 17.85 |
absent | 5.9 | 22.34 | 30.58 | 41.87 | 46.05 | 16.94 | 43.01 | 39.28 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School, (17.07 %) and the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (54.0%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the BJG-School (46.05%) and the best in the Piarist School. (5.9%)
II. Dimension: Joy, transcendent sense of self, prayer.
3. During worship, or at other times when connecting with God, I feel joy which lifts me out of my daily concerns.
3-present | 55.28 | 29.8 | 13.6 | 6.51 | 16.45 | 45.45 | 17.64 | 16.66 |
absent | 7.45 | 35.11 | 43.69 | 60.16 | 57.89 | 9.09 | 53.68 | 52.38 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School, (6.51 %) and the best in the Piarist School. (55.28%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School (60.16%) and the best in the Piarist School. (7.45%)
III. Dimension: Faith, strength and comfort.
4. I feel strength in my religion or spirituality.
5. I feel comfort in my religion or spirituality.
4-5 present | 53.73 | 29.26 | 18.45 | 7.32 | 18.75 | 54.54 | 16.17 | 15.47 |
absent | 7.14 | 31.38 | 42.23 | 62.6 | 50.66 | 6.2 | 54.78 | 50.0 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School, (7.32 %) and the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (54.5%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School (62.6%) and the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (6.2%)
IV. Dimension: Peace.
6. I feel deep inner peace or harmony.
6-present | 49.69 | 45.74 | 37.86 | 13.01 | 28.79 | 52.06 | 23.53 | 9.52 |
absent | 4.35 | 7.45 | 12.62 | 43.09 | 23.03 | 7.44 | 30.15 | 40.48 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the Juvenile Delinquent Girl’s School, (9.52 %) and the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (52.06%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School (43.09%) and the best in the Piarist School. (4.35%)
V. Dimension: Hope, divine help, divine guidance.
7. I ask for God’s help in the midst of daily activities.
8. I feel guided by God in the midst of daily activities.
7-8 present | 54.35 | 33.51 | 17.96 | 11.78 | 19.73 | 54.96 | 19.48 | 28.56 |
absent | 8.69 | 29.25 | 32.52 | 52.44 | 53.29 | 10.74 | 43.38 | 41.66 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School, (11.78 %) and the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (54.96%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the BJG-School (53.29%) and the best in the Piarist School. (8.69%)
VI. Dimension: Perceptions of divine love.
9. I feel God’s love for me, directly.
10. I feel God’s love for me, through others.
9-10 present | 45.66 | 27.66 | 19.42 | 10.97 | 14.81 | 55.78 | 19.85 | 20.23 |
absent | 9.94 | 31.38 | 41.74 | 53.25 | 57.23 | 7.85 | 49.26 | 52.38 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School, (10.97 %) and the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (55.78%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the BJG-School (57.23%) and the best in the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (7.85%)
VII. Dimension: Awe.
11. I am spiritually touched by the beauty of creation.
11 present | 39.75 | 22.35 | 20.38 | 7.32 | 13.82 | 36.37 | 13.24 | 7.14 |
absent | 11.8 | 28.72 | 39.81 | 53.66 | 51.97 | 9.92 | 48.53 | 57.14 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the Juvenile Delinquent Girl’s School, (7.14 %) and the best in the Piarist School. (39.75%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the Juvenile Delinquent Girl’s School, (57.14%) and the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (9.92%)
VIII. Dimension: Gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation.
12. I feel thankful for my blessings.
12 present | 75.16 | 56.4 | 33.99 | 17.9 | 34.21 | 75.61 | 36.76 | 23.8 |
absent | 4.35 | 20.21 | 22.33 | 43.09 | 37.5 | 1.13 | 32.35 | 47.62 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School, (17.9 %) and the best in the Piarist School. (75.16%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the Juvenile Delinquent Girl’s School, (47.62%) and the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (1.13%)
IX. dimension: Compassionate love.
13. I feel a selfless caring for others.
14. I accept others even when they do things I think are wrong.
13-14 pres. | 69.25 | 71.06 | 60.68 | 33.37 | 61.51 | 64.46 | 45.99 | 36.9 |
absent | 4.97 | 1.59 | 2.91 | 30.89 | 6.25 | 2.48 | 10.29 | 25.0 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School, (33.37 %) and the best in the KJ-Secondary School. (75.16%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School, (30.89%) and the best in the KJ-Secondary School. (1.59%)
X. (a) Dimension: Union.
15. I desire to be closer to God or in union with the divine.
15 present | 47.82 | 23.41 | 14.56 | 9.76 | 13.82 | 54.56 | 13.98 | 30.95 |
absent | 10.56 | 44.68 | 49.51 | 57.72 | 61.84 | 10.74 | 57.35 | 47.62 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School, (9.76 %) and the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (54.56%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the BJ-Secondary School, (30.89%) and the best in the Piarist School. (10.56%)
X. (b) Closeness.
16. In general, how close do you feel to God?
16 present (4-3) | 36.03 | 28.72 | 9.71 | 11.38 | 15.13 | 42.15 | 17.65 | 16.66 |
absent (1) | 12.42 | 37.23 | 50.49 | 58.54 | 55.26 | 15.7 | 51.47 | 40.48 |
The presence of this dimension was the worst in the HUM-Nursing School, (9.71 %) and the best in the Calvinist Lycée. (42.15%)
The lack of this dimension was the worst in the Technical School, (58.54%) and the best in the Piarist School. (12.42%) (Kalmár, 2013b, 2014a).
Spirituality and the dimensions of spirituality are important protective factors of the development of sound personality, the prevention of mental disorders and self destructive behaviour. There is a strong correlation between spirituality and mental state. The level of spirituality is low among the secondary school students in Hungary. These thought provoking results showed that there is a huge difference in the spirituality among the different secondary school students because the mental and spiritual education is insufficient. Actually, there are no obligatory systematic mental health- and spiritual education in the Hungarian schools.
Cook C. Powell A. Sims A. (2009) Spirituality and Psychiatry Published by RCPsych Publications (via Turpin Distribution for the trade) www.rcpsych.ac.uk/publications
Kalmár S. (2013) Spirituality, psychological immune system, depression, anxiety, hopelessness, alcohol-consumption, smoking, psychoactive substance abuse and using of superstitious mascot-figures among students in seven secondary schools. Hungary. Conferentia Nationalá de Psihiatrie al XI-lea Simpozion National al asociatiei Románe de Studiu a Persoanlitátii. Marosvásárhely 26-29. Sept.
Kalmár S. (2014a) Spirituality Level in eight Secondary Schools in Hungary. Al XII-lea Simpozion National al asociatiei Románe de Studiu a Persoanlitátii. Sibiu, 29 Mai-1 Iunie.
Kalmár S. (2014b) The Importance of Neuro-psychopharmacology in the Development of Psychiatry. Neuropsychopharmacol Hung 2014; 16 (3): 149–156
Underwood Lynn G. Teresi J.A. (2002) The Daily Spiritual Experience Scale: Development, Theoretical Description, Reliability, Exploratory Factor Analysis, and Preliminary Construct Validity Using Health Related Data. Ann Behav Med, 24(1): 22-33.
Underwood L. G. 2012. Using the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale to Improve Patient Care. ”Personality and Spirituality”. Normal and pathological personality between biological and spiritual dimension. Tirgu Mures. 30 May-2 June, 2012.